Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Best 4 Advantages of Getting Married Early

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It might outrage the young generation, if we say that ‘getting married is healthy for you’. The younger lot may also consider it as a thought which will restrict their freedom. But, the statement actually holds some logical reasoning behind it. Marrying early is not only good for your health, but for your relationship as well. It helps you look younger for years, keeps you happy, boosts your relationship compatibility with your partner and much more. So, let’s get to know more about the advantages of tying the knot early.

What do we mean by an early marriage?

An early marriage today should not be confused with premature marriages, the way we saw them in the popular daily soap, Balika Vadhu. In contemporary times, getting married before the age of 25 seems to qualify for an early marriage. As getting married when you are around 20-21 years is more likely to be looked upon as a slightly premature marriage, at least in the metros and urban suburbs.

Decoding the advantages of an early marriage

Well, some believe that getting married before the age of 25 might lead to relationship complications later on in life. This is so because these couples are still immature when they enter into wedlock. However, to manage a mature relationship, it is important for individuals to have a mind of their own. While some believe that the more you age, the more strong-headed you become. And, two strong-headed people cannot gel well easily.
Nonetheless, let’s take a look at some of the advantages of getting married early.
1. Establishing your centre of gravity early
Most of you in your 20s are in a constant flux of discovering yourselves. Your jobs, relationships and family matters seem to churn your lives upside down repeatedly. During this time, having someone close to you, who understands your mental turbulence, and is genuinely interested in helping you, is a great idea. Having a soul mate at this stage of life sounds rather helpful, because you both grow together. You begin to know each other first and family responsibilities come in much later.

2. Better chance of establishing compatibility
With rising number of divorces of India, it becomes important to look at the psychology behind it. Especially in the urban India, by the time couples choose to marry, they have had already developed a mindset of their own. And, when two contradicting mindsets meet, clash is bound to happen. With age, it gets difficult for an individual to adjust with another. On the contrary, getting married a bit early means you are with your spouse during the process of evolving psychologically. This is parallel to a piece of metal being heated, which is more malleable at this stage. During the growing phase, adjusting to your partner’s habits or thinking is easier. This way it becomes easier to strike a compatibility.
3. Being more energetic parents
Parents, who marry late, constantly struggle to match up with the mindset and stamina of their kids. Getting married early means you are likely to have kids when your health is at its robust best. This can help you to take upon more challenging aspects of parenting. You can energetically participate with them in their activities and strike a bond easily.

4. Looking younger for longer
Gynaecologists approve of the fact that post 30, sexual and reproductive hormones in a woman start diminishing steadily. Thus, becoming a parent early means giving your body a better chance to recover from the childbearing demands, which work towards preserving your youth. The early you conceive, the more fit you stay. Cesarean rates are higher in women who are above 35. Mothers at this age have more chances of a C-section delivery compared to women in their 20s. Marrying late also reduces the chance of conceiving a baby.
We agree that there cannot be a standardised conclusion for such topics. What matters is how individuals look at it. In the end, it is they who have to decide on the future course of their lives.

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