About Us

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I highly welcome you to Earlyvibes.com.com Entertainment blog. That was created to share latest and useful news across the world.  This blog is all about Updates Like Entertainment, Dating, Marriage, Love & Relationship Tips. You can meet us on FACEBOOK and TWITTER,

Something About Me and And My Blog Tips

Thanks for landing on the ‘About’ page of Earlyvibes Blog. Welcome. Here, I’ll be sharing some background information about ‘All Blogging Tips and Entertainment’ and  Earlyvibes (Guy behind All Blogging Tips ).

About All Blogging Tips

Something About Me and All Blogging Tips
All Blogging Tips was started back in 1st December 2014 The main purpose of starting this blog is to help other bloggers in taking their blog to the next level and helping them. So here are some of the reasons how my blog can help you and why you’ll find this blog useful.
  • Blogging tips to help you blog more better
  • Increase traffic to your blog
  • Converting traffic into money
  • Learning SEO
  • Taking blog to next level

Who Am I?

My name is Akinola Ajibade — the guy behind this blog. An Engeering student in Technology Industry and a young part-time blogger. I started my first website in August 2012 with free hosting and  domain. I then began to take interest in blogging after reading many articles online. My thirst for learning the latest web technologies such as HTML, CSS equipped me with the skill of web design. I learned a lot during this time, so I decided to start new blog and share what I’ve learned so far. On the 1st December 2011, My blog All Blogging Tips was live. Here I’m sharing some random things about me here. You might find them interesting! :D Some random things  about me.
  • I was born in 1990's in Lagos Nigeria. (My age is 20+)
  • I know only three languages, YORUBA, PIDGIN and ENGLISH
  • I like to spend most of my time online, if I am not online I’ll be either taking rest or playing games with my friends
  • I know how to ride a bike
  • I love Blogging but I do not like writing.
  • I don’t have a favorite color or number.
  • I don’t like to take pictures of myself.
  • I don’t like to watch movies though I like to listen music (sometimes!)
  • I love internet. I’ve got so many fans and followers, best friends, online reputation, money.
  • I can’t go a day without internet. I’ve more online buddies than offline.

Contact Info

I always do my best to respond to all the emails. You can also contact me on Badeakinola4@gmail.com Mobile Contact: +2348145800332. Thank you for been Here @ www.earlyvibes.com

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