Friday 30 October 2015

See The Full List Of 116 Things That Cause Cancer

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From contraceptive pills, to alcohol and cigarette smoke, this is the list of things which the World Health Organisation (WHO) researchers and experts say are the causes of cancer. If you recall, there was general outrage some days back when WHO said we should stop eating suya because it also triggers cancer.
After going through the list, I wonder if there is anything remaining that does NOT cause cancer.
See full list below:

1. Tobacco smoking
2. Sunlamps and sunbeds
3. Aluminium production
4. Arsenic in drinking water
5. Auramine production
6. Boot and shoe manufacture and repair
7. Chimney sweeping
8. Coal gasification
9. Coal tar distillation
10. Coke (fuel) production
11. Furniture and cabinet making
12. Haematite mining (underground) with exposure to radon
13. Secondhand smoke
14. Iron and steel founding
15. Isopropanol manufacture (strong-acid process)
16. Magenta dye manufacturing
17. Occupational exposure as a painter
18. Paving and roofing with coal-tar pitch
19. Rubber industry
20. Occupational exposure of strong inorganic acid mists containing sulphuric acid

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